Ehattesaht is one of the 14 Nuu-Chah-Nulth Nations.Ehattesaht
has a current membership of 435 and growing bigger every year.Ehattesaht is accessible by logging road due north
of Campbell River (highway 19) you will pass by the Community of Woss and shortly you should see a sign on the highway
heading north called Zeballos ...turn there... you will drive approx 43km on a logging road till you hit the town of
Zeballos ..Ehattesaht is Located on the west side of the Inlet ..In Zeballos you will find all amenities and services to provide
you with your stay.Enjoy
Ehattesaht has many companies like our oyster farm and our logging company
and there names are We'Shuk and Aat'uu respectively.
Ehattesaht people originally spoke the Nuu-Chah-Nulth language. Ehattesaht was originally spelled ʔiiḥatis.
Nuu-chah-nulth means all along the mountains and sea according to The language is highly
endangered to become extinct according to (due to the fact that only 200 people of the 8000 speak the language
and they are all above the age 50).